Services are the most dynamically developing sector both in economically developed and developing countries.
Statistics for EU countries prove this trend. The turnover of the service sector over the past eight years science 2015 to 2023 increased by an average of 50% across the 27 EU countries (excluding wholesale and retail trade services).
We would like to highlight the most rapidly growing sector – “Computer programming, consultancy and related activities”. Since 2015, the «Computer programming» grew by 99%, meaning that the industry doubled its turnover in just 8 years.

The leading countries in terms of pace of turnover growth in the “Computer programming” greatly exceeded the average European growth. Lithuania toped the list with grow of the turnover over 5 times to levels of 2015, Estonia - x4 times and Romania - x3 times.
These countries successfully increase their specialization and specially emphasise the development of Computer programming and related services. The growth rate of Computer programming turnover (in TOP 10) significantly outpaces the growth of turnover of the service sector as the whole at national level.

On average among the EU countries, Computer programming turnover increased by +48.2 % more than whole services sector.
At the same time, prices for service providers in the Computer programming segment in most countries (leaders in turnover growth) increased above the average EU.

In general, the increase in prices for the services of Computer programming companies indicates quality changes in the types of services. This allowed the companies to increase their prices above the European average and at the same time increase the turnover of the Computer programming and related services significantly above the European average.
Interestingly, only in the three leading countries in terms of turnover growth Computer programming, the number of fast-growing companies, in terms of employee growth, exceeds the European average: in Lithuania 4.8 percent of fast-growing companies from the total number of companies working in the field of Computer programming, Malta and Bulgaria 4.7 and 4.5 percent respectively.
In terms of GDP (added value), the list of leaders is stable and has not actually changed since 2015 to 2021; the largest economies are in the lead. From the list of TOP 10 countries by turnover growth, the list of the largest includes only Poland and Romania. At the same time, Norway and Hungary have every chance, while maintaining and increasing the growth rate and quality of the Computer programming industry, to become one of the largest European countries in terms of added value created by Computer programming in the medium term .